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Oat cake with cottage cheese and berry cream

Oat cake with cottage cheese and berry cream

Oat cake with cottage cheese and berry cream
Oat cake with cottage cheese and berry cream


Cottage cheese (I had 3%) - 700 g
Kefir - 0.8 L
Oatmeal - 0.7 kg
Eggs - 3 pcs.
Banana - 2 pcs.
Any berry / fruit (I had frozen raspberries, frozen strawberries, frozen mango) - all of 200 g
Disintegrant - 2 h. L. (No slides)
Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.
Sweetener (I had a honey)


1. Beat eggs with sweetener, bananas, yogurt (300 ml).
2. Slowly pour the flour, baking powder, all good beat with a mixer.
3. The finished dough is divided into two parts, one to add cocoa and mix well, second left as is. Pour batter for silicone molds, I got two identical shapes: one light batter, the other - chocolate.
4. Bake in preheated oven at 160 g for 40 minutes (watch for your oven). As the cakes are ready, get them out of the oven and give a little stand. I came out in damp, and the top has been a hard crust, I cut into 2 parts light and dark at 3 (as it happens) and dry in the oven for 20 minutes at 160 g. For the cream cheese mixed with the remnants of yogurt, sweetener (better to do it in a blender to avoid lumps). For flavor you can still add vanilla or cinnamon).
5. Berries decoction of a small amount of water, whipped blender to afford a syrup (but I left small pieces of fruit and mango) .Each coat with curd cream cake, and then berry syrup and since alternated layers. Gave the cake to soak in the refrigerator (about 2 hours), then missed the top and edges of the remnants of cottage cheese cream and put into the refrigerator overnight. In the morning decorated with fresh roses (for decoration), coconut, candy sprinkles, fresh mint).

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