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Philadelphia Roll Recipe

Philadelphia Roll Recipe 

Philadelphia Roll Recipe


  • 3 sheets of nori 
  • 2 tbsp. the risk 
  • 2 1/2 - 3 tbsp. water + water for washing rice 
  • 2-3 tablespoons rice vinegar, 
  • 1 large avocado or cucumber 
  • 1 box (200 g) of cheese "Philadelphia", 68% fat, 
  • 200-300 g salmon fillets (trout, salmon, etc. salted or smoked). 
  • Also, you will need to prepare: a bamboo mat food. 

How to cook: 

From the food you need to do two films a square size
with a bamboo mat. The film is better to fold in half.
Rinse the rice in cold water, as long as the water is clear. Pour the rice in cold water for 20-25 minutes. After the allotted time, drain the water.
Put the rice in a saucepan with water and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce the heat and leave to cook for 20 minutes, or until such time until the rice is tender and the water evaporates. Remove rice from heat, add the vinegar and mix. Leave to cool. Sheets of nori, cut in half. Peel and cut the avocado cubes . Salmon fillet cut into thin slices.
On a bamboo mat, place 1 sheet of the food film. In the lower part of the film, place 1/2 of the nori sheet smooth side down. On a sheet of nori Put rice (about 1 cup), and it evenly over the surface of a sheet of nori, so that the rice served at 1 cm from the top of nori (moisten hands in water). Put the sliced ​​salmon on rice, aligning pieces on top.
Cover with a second sheet of the food composition of the film and flip to the other side. The film was on top, set aside.
In the lower part of the sheet of nori Put wedges of avocado and cheese "Philadelphia" (about 2 tablespoons). Moisten the edge of the sheet of nori and gently using a rug, roll wrap, not allowing to fall out stuffing.
Give 'roll round, tightly clutching hands mat.
Ready to roll aside and repeat with the remaining components.
Each roll with a sharp knife cut into 6-8 pieces. Serve rolls with your favorite sauces.

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