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Almond Paste Recipe

Almond Paste Recipe

Almond Paste Recipe


  • Almonds - 200 g
  • Sugar - 125 g
  • Butter - 85 g
  • Wheat flour 70g
  • Vanillin - ¼ tsp


1. Be prepared almonds.

2. Pour the boiling water for a few minutes, then clean your hands from the top shell.

3. Lay out on a towel to dry at least one hour (and best of all at night). In a saucepan add water (200 mL) and sprinkle in sugar, put on fire. When the syrup comes to a boil, let it boil for 5 more minutes. At that time, almonds in a blender grind fine-fine crumb, this rub for 2-3 minutes.

4. In a deep frying pan, melt the butter, add the flour (half a cup) and almonds and cook until golden brown.

5. Pour the sugar syrup and boil for a bit to mix well and the mass thickens. Add the vanilla (on the tip of a knife, carefully - it is bitter, you can replace the vanilla sugar or extract).

6. plates, bowls, or other form of grease with butter, put the mixture cooled down there and leave in the fridge for a couple of hours. Before serving, cut into cubes and remove from the mold. 

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